Tribune de Genève en ligne - www.tdg.ch - Latest News
Ginevra alle ultime elezioni di domenica 9 ottobre si è buttata a destra, ma già si era capito da qualche altro avvenimento, tipo:
" Islamic Center’s Choice is barred
Geneva’s Islamic center will not be able to hire the imam of its choice. Indeed, the federal migrations office, ODM, has vetoed the center’s selection. The news was revealed on Sunday by the NZZ am Sonntag and authenticated by the Swiss department of police and justice, DFJP. Some time last year the ODM refused to give work permits to the Turkish imam and his Senegalese assistant; the government just recently reconfirmed the rejection by turning down an appeal from the center. Authorities in the Canton of Geneva had approved the imam but federal officials explained they did not believe the Turk would be able to integrate. Dominique Boillat, spokesman for the DFJP, declared that imams who want to work in Switzerland have to defend Swiss values or at least not be hostile to them. It appears this was not the case. "
Fortuna che qui è stata sottoscritta la Dichiarazione dei Diritti dell'Uomo. Nella foto sopra, la sede delle UN a Ginevra (blu su blu)
3 commenti:
I guess I'll have to write more in English, then
la nuova versione è più brutta.
come nella vita nel blog, chi lascia la strada vecchia per la nuova....
P.S. coniglio, la prossima volta fatti vedere al biliardo.
ma cosa ne capisci, tu...
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